Do you remember how you got involved in network marketing? Did you do a search for it on the internet, reviewed the compensation plan and immediately signed up for the business opportunity it provided? This does not happen very often as the sales letter or the auto responder messages still does not provide the human touch that people still yearn for. Especially so if this is their first attempt at a network marketing business opportunity.
Or were you approached by a friend, family member or someone who was so enthusiastic about the business opportunity they had and couldn’t wait to share it with you because they wanted you to be able to share in their joy as well? So much so that it might have felt as if they were pushing you into joining them and leaving you with no other choice?
Although the Internet can help you generate leads and increase your website traffic hits using various tools and methods, some of which are totally free, it does not provide any human touch. The sales letter helps in a small way and the autoresponder messages are able to help build the relationship with your prospect, but as human beings, we all crave for some human touch. At the same time, it is easier for the prospect to have all of his or her questions answered and give them peace of mind to get started in the business if they can have direct access to a human.
When people are involved fully in online network marketing, they somehow seem to forget about the personal touch. If you are keen to motivate those in your organization, the best way to do that is to build a rapport with them. Once this is not achieved, it will be difficult for your organization to grow and for you to be able to gain any form of leverage in your organization.
When there is no personal touch, you will frequently see a high attrition rate as well. People start dropping out of your organization faster than you can get people to join. Thus it is important to not only have a good bonding with your entire organization, but to train them well. There is a well-known quote: ‘You will succeed only when the people in your organization succeed.’
At the same time, when there is no leverage in your organization, this would mean that rather than having your team members work for you in terms of continually recruiting and building your organization, you will likely end up having to do it yourself, thus defeating the purpose of joining a network marketing organization where if everything is done correctly, you should be able to enjoy a good residual income business opportunity.
As such, to enjoy success in your network marketing business opportunity, it is best to combine the best of both worlds where you practice the almost forgotten ‘personal touch’ as in the traditional network marketing with the ‘high tech’ system on the Internet. This will allow you to stay at the forefront in this dynamic industry which is currently undergoing a huge change in the way it is evolving.

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