As it is currently a growing trend for network marketers to make use of the internet to reach out to their target market and keep the world informed of their product, service and/or business opportunity, the simplest way is to set up a proper and presentable blog. If you want to stand a winning chance, it is great if you could offer tons of value as this will definitely help move you up a notch in your network marketing business.
In network marketing, people want to follow a leader. Thus you need to start branding yourself. A good way to do this is to create your very own website or domain name. For example, if John Doe has a website www dot John Doe dot com, he is basically marketing and promoting himself. This will give him an edge in his marketing efforts. As more network marketing companies will offer you the use of a replicated website, you do not need another information site about your network marketing company. What you do need is a site that will sell yourself as a marketer and to brand yourself. This is one of the most important tips to start building your network marketing business.
Once you have set up your domain name, you can start off with a wordpress blog so that your blog can be hosted on your own hosting space. You will also need to find a hosting company and there are some cheap hosting which are available if you do a search on the internet.
Choose a good and presentable theme for your blog. The theme should preferably have the sidebar on the right since Google would normally scan the contents of the blog from left to right. If you were to place your sidebar on the left, Google will end up reading the same content, i.e. the sidebar, over and over again and we do not want Google to keep on reading duplicate content as this is not good.
Next, be prepared to submit between three to seven articles a week. These may be short articles ranging from between four to six hundred words so that people are able to get whatever information they require as fast and instantly as possible. By frequently updating your blog, this will enable Google to find it faster and keep you in their index. Once you are already in Google’s index, continue to write valuable and interesting posts and you will soon see an increase in your website traffic.
If you are not a good writer or have a fear of not knowing what to write, you can either do your research on the internet and get some ideas of the content for your blog. Or you can outsource your blog updates and pay someone else to get your articles ready. Another alternative is to make use of other media like podcast, video and pictures.
From my experience, do not think about the difficulties and keep telling yourself that you cannot do it. As Nike’s slogan goes, “Just Do It!” This should be your motto too. Start doing it and you will learn step-by-step!

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